Katrina Wu, APRN, cnm

Katrina Wu is a Certified Nurse-Midwife, who graduated from Vanderbilt University’s Nurse-Midwifery program in 2012. She began practicing midwifery in Seattle, Washington, where she provided a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services and attended births in both home and birth center settings. Having practiced in several free-standing birth centers over the years, she especially loves the community they offer to families. They’re a place to feel seen, heard, and valued, while also joining a larger extended family of providers, staff, and families all committed to one another’s flourishing.

Katrina was first drawn to midwifery because of the opportunity it provided for building relationships with people, supporting their whole well-being throughout their reproductive years, births, and even menopause and beyond. She enjoys partnering with people to achieve the health goals they have set for themselves and especially loves empowering people and families with health knowledge that fosters trust in our bodies’ innate ability to communicate its needs and accomplish amazing and challenging feats (like birth!). Of all the professional hats she wears, birth is Katrina’s first love, and being welcomed into someone’s sacred birthing space is nothing short of an honor and privilege.

Some of her particular clinical interests include managing thyroid disorders, contraception, and infertility. She has published in professional journals on topics like labor induction using herbs and castor seed, managing painful sex, and virtual visits for prenatal care (the focus of her doctoral dissertation). In 2023, she received the Best Review Article of the Year Award from the Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health and the Excellence in Teaching Award from the American College of Nurse-Midwives. In addition to practicing, she has been a midwifery educator since 2014 and currently serves as the Bethel Nurse-Midwifery Program Director.

Katrina resides on a hobby farm north of the Twin Cities with her husband and daughter. She loves gardening, cooking, knitting and traveling internationally, and she enjoys the outdoors and camping with her family and friends.